THURSDAY APRIL 23: REHEARSAL at Blesch Auditorium
As stated in the Studio Handbook, students must attend dress rehearsal in order to perform.
It is MANDATORY that dancers attend recital rehearsal so our production can run smoothly.
Dancers wear regular dance wear
Do NOT wear or bring recital costumes and/or accessories.
Bring all styles of dance shoes
Enter auditorium to find area in audience reserved by sign for the day/time of dancer’s class.
Parents sign dancer in with the Audience Monitor.
Miss Meg calls the class to the stage.
If dancers are in multiple styles, they return to the audience area to make shoe changes.
At the end of the class rehearsals, dancers must be signed out with the Audience Monitor.
Parents are welcome to observe from the audience, however it is not required.
Pictures and videotaping of routines are NOT allowed in the auditorium during rehearsal.